Happy Customer
Singing Star Yuanmeng

Singing Lessons for Adults and Kids! Experience Top Asian Vocal Coaches from Singapore, Taiwan and Korea!

Perfect for ages 6 and beyond!
In Person and Online Vocal lessons are like having a superpower for knowledge. You can choose what you learn, when you learn it, and all at your convenience!

Bonus! Online vocal learning can connect you with awesome vocal coaches from Asia, making your online vocal journey an exciting adventure!

In 45 Minutes

Discover your singing potential in just 45 minutes!
Your vocal coach will guide you through breathing and singing exercises to help you stretch your vocal range, and discover your unique voice.

In 2 Weeks

Dive into the songs you love as your vocal coach amps up the session with pitch-perfect fun!
Explore rhythm, master rhyme, and boost your vocal prowess!

In 1 Month

Experience the transformation:
feel the flexibility and strength in your voice - those high notes won't feel out of reach! Gain better control with vocal support techniques and unleash the full potential of your voice.

In 3 Months

You have trained hard and now it is time to record your HIT Song in the Recording Studio!
Get ready for the spotlight and be invited to our student’s onstage performance where your voice can be truly heard.


Learn at your own pace, anytime anywhere!

Our vocal coaches are chosen based on their training, skills and experience. They are stationed in different parts of Asia and brings to you the best of their culture and experience, all set to embark on this extraordinary learning journey with you.

Get the experience that you always wanted. Step into the recording studio and record your cover single.

Take centre stage and shine with events and performances rolled our for you!

Yuanmeng Community

Meet like-minded enthusiasts and we are here to support one another through music and singing!


Whether you're a singing enthusiast or aspiring to impress friends and followers with your vocal prowess, 

Our individualised vocal singing lessons enhance confidence, skills, and audience captivation.

Tailored insights for YOUR unique voice are offered in group or one-to-one in-person or online settings.